
Welcome to the Website for St Bart’s Church, Ipswich.  Whether you’re visiting us because you’re looking for somewhere to worship or just out of general interest, we hope that you will find our site interesting and informative.

These pages say a little about who we are and what we stand for as well as giving information on events and some past news.

Easter 2024
Easter Sunday 31st March
10 am Easter Sunday Parish Mass with renewal of baptismal promises – 10 am
Please note that the clocks go forward one hour on Easter Eve!
Details of Holy Week Services can be found on our Facebook Page.

Mission statement St Bartholomew’s Ipswich is a Parish Church firmly rooted in the Catholic tradition of the Church of England. We are committed to serving God and welcoming him in one another through a firm belief in God’s love and the working of his Spirit in the church today.  Our mission includes: making God known by proclaiming his word and celebrating the sacraments;  witnessing to others through evangelism; a dedication to stewardship and social justice; and providing a safe environment where all will feel equally valued as children of God.

If you would like to get in touch, then please use the links on the front page and we’d love to hear from you.  Fr Paul

Our parish is firmly committed to the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of all, especially children and vulnerable adults. For more information please click here.

Assistant priests: Fr Paul Hamlet, Fr Peter Walker SSC and Fr John Ryder


St Bartholemews Church Ipswich St Bartholemews Church Ipswich St Bartholemews Church Ipswich
St Bart’s, as it is universally known, is a centre of the Anglo-catholic movement.   Worship of God is offered at our services on Sundays and throughout the week. There is no better place to celebrate your special day.

St Barts Church | Newton Road, Ipswich, IP3 8HQ | T: 01473 727441 | E:frpaulcarter@hotmail.com | Privacy Policy